Donations can be made to the Library in honor of a loved one. Please put the name of the person the gift is in honor of in the "comments" section, as well as anyone you would like notified of the your generous gift.
Recurring gifts can be canceled at any time by contacting the Development & Communications office at 716-858-7197.
Thank you for making a memorial gift. Please put the honoree's and/or their families' contact information in the comment section. The Library will mail a note letting them know of your lovely gift.
Note: The Buffalo & Erie County Public Library does not retain any credit card information. Online donations are made through a secure app that encrypts personal information. Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System * 1 Lafayette Square * Buffalo, NY 14203 * (716) 858-8900www.BuffaloLib.orgDo you have a question for our Library staff? Email Us.